I have an ongoing conversation in my head when I feel like doing something that I know I probably shouldn’t. It goes a little something like this: Would I allow my children to ….. Stay up late reading books? Binge watch Disney shows on Netflix everyday? Eat ice cream at midnight? Keep chocolate in their closets for an “emergency”? Use “I don’t feel like it right now” as an excuse to not do their chores? Talk about themselves or their siblings “that way”? We have such high expectations for our children. I know that I do. But take a moment to consider: Are your expectations of them higher than the expectations you have for yourself? If yes, why? Sadly, the list above wasn’t hard to generate. I have regularly indulged in all of them, only my Netflix obsessions weren’t Disney. Sometimes I look at my children and think of all the potential they have and opportunities that are right before them, if they would just take them. I want to kindly but sternly, take them by the shoulders and say “look at what you have, what you have been given, why aren’t you using it?” I believe one of the divine purposes of families is to show us what we need to improve in ourselves. Byron Katie says that “our children, our spouses, and our friends will continue to press every button we have, until we realize what it is that we don’t want to know about ourselves, yet. They will point us to our freedom every time.” You are not just a wife and a mother. You are also a human with untapped potential and opportunities before her. As long as you, or I, are alive there is still more to learn, experience, develop, and pursue. What do you dream of being, learning, doing? What resources do you dedicate to your personal growth and development? Do you dedicate resources (time, money, etc) to the things you are interested in? How does your commitment to personal growth compare to your commitment to your children’s growth? A quick look at your calendar and/or budget can provide a lot of important information. After doing this exercise myself, it was very obvious that I had room to improve. My children started up with all of their after school activities this week and our calendars are filling up quickly. When I looked at what we were doing and where we were going, I decided to take my own advice and do something I have wanted to do for years. I signed up for a local tennis league that meets every Thursday morning. I have four beautiful daughters, and I want to model for them what it looks like to be a wife, mother, and woman who pursues her talents and interests. What are you modeling? And WHAT IF modeling a commitment to growth is a better teacher than any opportunity you could give them? Not sure what you are modeling for your children, or where you could even start to rebuild the relationship you have with yourself? See the Start Here button at the top of the menu? Start there. |

Hi, I'm Kendra
Life is not easy, but it doesn’t have to be hard. As a Professional Certified Life and Weight Coach I teach women how to free themselves from the internal stories that keep them from living the life they dreamed of. The cognitive based tools I teach, are the same ones that freed me from self-defeating thoughts and belief systems, so that I could manage my emotions, create routines, and improve my relationships.

Life is not easy, but it doesn’t have to be hard. As a Professional Certified Life and Weight Coach I teach women how to free themselves from the stories that have held them hostage to their husbands career and from living the life they dreamed of. The cognitive based tools I teach, are the same ones that freed me from self-defeating thoughts and belief systems, so that I could manage my emotions, create routines, and improve my relationships.