it gets better now coaching
Stop hiding behind your husband's white coat.
After years of support, sacrifice, and waiting you finally made it! Your life looks a lot like you hoped, but you don’t feel the way you imagined you would.
It’s time to move from barely surviving to wildly thriving.
Ready to learn how? Click the button below.
it gets better now coaching
Rebuild the relationship you have with yourself.
After years of support, sacrifice, and waiting you finally made it! Your life looks a lot like you hoped, but you don’t feel the way you imagined you would. Want to know why?

What Your Late-Night Habits May Be Trying To Tell You
Is it bedtime yet? You’ve been on the go since the sun came up, and it’s time to put the kids down for bed. You

The Secret to Living Your It Gets Better Now
Many of us believe that we’ll be able to “live” with meaning and joy someday in the future… but not today. Do you believe that

3 Ways Your Comfort Zone Is Keeping You Stuck
If you are not where you want to be in your life, you’re likely stuck inside your comfort zone. Before you get discouraged, it is

Being coached by Kendra has been such an eye opening experience. I look at things completely differently and my relationship with my child I was struggling with has improved drastically in such a short time because I worked on ME in life coaching. I’ve learned more about myself in the last couple months than I feel like I have in years.

Being married to a surgeon is not easy, but it doesn’t have to be hard! As a Professional Certified Life and Weight Coach I teach women how to free themselves from the internal stories that keep them hiding behind their husband’s white coat. It’s time to start living the life you have worked so hard to build. The cognitive-based tools I teach are the same ones that freed me from self-defeating thoughts and belief systems so that I could manage my emotions, create routines, and improve my relationships.